Display year from XBMC .nfo

Issue #322 resolved
Former user created an issue

When using XBMC .nfo for the metadata the date displayed on the renderer (Sony BDPS370) is the date file was created not the <year> from the .nfo.

Is it possible to send just the year to the renderer?

If not the date the file was created would be fine and I will include the year in the title.

Thanks Harvey

Comments (3)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    It would have to be something like 1/1/year, not sure if that is acceptable. it sends created date ATM.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I would leave this as an enhancement as the 1/1/year still isn't quite right, I will ask the XMBC folks to add release date to their schema. Thanks

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