More "Last Added" items?

Issue #357 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, it would be great to increase the list of "Last Added" items to a larger number, or ideally make it configurable via an xml file in the config folder.



Comments (19)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    +1 Use of general public variable, a console fields or better a profile option to set the

    • maxRequested variable of getNumberOfLastViewedVideos function
    • maxRequested variable of getNumberOfLastAddedVideos function Default is 10 but 20 or more could be fine
  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • removed version

    please do not change the versions, I will plan the feature as I see fit

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    This is one of the changes i'd love to get implemented. 10 items are a really low number. I was hoping for this feature on 0.6 but you probably had other thing to think about...

    Is there a way NOW to edit this number?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Great Work! But of course when you have time, I'd like 'recently added' configuration ability as well. Thanks!

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    +1 a long list would be good or an option to configure at a folder level e.g tv list and films list

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    I would prefer if the folder, or another folder or if there was an option for this list to be based of the file modified / create date instead of when it was added to the library.. This would help avoid wiping out the list every time you move or rename a file.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Serviio is an awesome piece of software, but any idea when we'll be seeing this feature? It's been almost a year since the feature was requested.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    +1 for this too. Also, a way to clear the recently added and last viewed cache.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    If you can use Tversity -- it has a folder for each date, and has (as far as I can tell) every date in your whole library

    It also uses the date modified instead -- which is better because after you rebuild serviio index it just puts it as alpha sorted (as thats the order it adds files to the lib)

    Only downside is that you have to go into each date folder to see the files

    But much better than serviio's last 10

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    How do you set the number for last added in 1.1?

    EDIT: Found the setting in the Serviio Console "Presentation" tab under "Number of items in dynamic categories". Not sure what else this affects other than Last Viewed/Added.

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