Update Sony BDP profiles for DTS remux (was: Update ffmpeg.exe to be able to remux DTS Audio for MKV files)

Issue #371 resolved
Former user created an issue

Taken from the Sony BDP-S370 section of the Profiles.xml file

<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetACodec="ac3"> <!-- FFmpeg cannot currently remux dts audio properly so it must be transcoded, but all other audio is left alone --> <Matches container="matroska" aCodec="dca" /> </Video>

I believe ffmpeg.exe has been updated to support DTS according to the changelog for FFmpeg-git-N-29536-gaba0278.

version 0.7_beta1:

  • WebM support in Matroska de/muxer
  • low overhead Ogg muxing
  • MMS-TCP support
  • VP8 de/encoding via libvpx
  • Demuxer for On2's IVF format
  • Pictor/PC Paint decoder
  • HE-AAC v2 decoder
  • libfaad2 wrapper removed
  • DTS-ES extension (XCh) decoding support

Comments (9)

  1. patters

    FFmpeg 'supports' DTS, but it's apparently still not able to remux it properly I'm afraid. Tested just now with Serviio 0.6beta2 using FFmpeg version 0.8.git-b39f872. The resulting remuxed file ends up as if there is no audio track (Sony BDP).

  2. patters

    That fix way back in 2011 did not help. However, my FFmpeg support ticket #1398 from 2012 has finally been resolved and the issue is fixed. http://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/1398

    FFmpeg builds newer than c9cfd458 will have this fix integrated, but older sources can be patched with the patch that I posted in my last post on that ticket.

    If Serviio's FFmpeg build is updated, the Serviio device profiles of devices that have native DTS support but that needed audio transcoding during remuxing owing to this issue will need to be amended for native DTS playback in M2TS (Sony BDP-Sx70/SMP-N100 for certain, but there may be other devices too).

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    @patters could you please provide the changes to the Sony BDP profiles? 0.5 beta 3 will come with the latest ffmpeg

  4. patters

    You just need to take these two lines out of Profile id="bdp2010" in the first part of the Transcoding block:

    <!-- FFmpeg cannot currently remux dts audio properly so it must be transcoded, but all other audio is left alone https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1398 -->
    <Matches container="matroska" aCodec="dca" />

    Profile id=bdp2010us and id=bdp2011 will inherit this change. The other newer BDP profiles are ok, because they're descended from profile id=1 so they have native Matroska support and aren't trying to remux dca audio.

    If you revisit that Roku profile linked above, I made a bunch of amendments based on the renderer capabilities and from atc98092's testing it seemed ok (see that thread). Since this reduces the amount of transcoding, will you add this to the next beta too?

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