i18n "tab_about_text"

Issue #393 invalid
Former user created an issue

The property "tab_about_text" is missing in i18n properties (except in the english one).

Serviio fall back to english when a prop is missing so there is no error on screen.

Unforunately, the WebUI doesn't fall back so easily : I've preferred to translate it. BTW Is there a way to easily share these resources between the Swing Console and the WebUI ? Maybe a common jar with properties and images...

PS : I think You may use the standard properties strategy : if there is no file for the language, fall back to default one :

With messages_de.properties, messages_fr.properties, and messages.properties (without language) : * fr => messages_fr.properties * de => messages_de.properties * en => messages.properties * it => messages.properties * ??? => messages.properties

I've attached the way I used it.

Comments (5)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • removed version
    • changed status to invalid

    that's correct, the Info text should be only in English. I decided it's probably better and follows the licences better as they often specify the actual attribution string they expect (in English).

    To share the resources, you can just point the console.jar on your classpath for now, or get the .properties file from the translations forum.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    OK I will update to act like the Swing Console and use the English text.

    I will still copy the resources from the console.jar, to avoid unexpected version.

    Anyway I still think You should have a default properties (the English one) for any unknown language. That's just the way recommended to do i18n in Java.

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