Provide icy data to online audio streams

Issue #461 wontfix
Former user created an issue

The music player can display a number of attributes such as the artist/album/song title. Most online music streams such as contain "icy data" which includes artist/song title/station name. This makes streamed music playback much more informative.

Is it possible for Serviio to get that icy meta data from the stream and have the music player display it? I have that working on my WII server but it is programmable and not restricted by DLNA.

I assume live stream support is set up by Serviio to be direct from the website-to-the-device so Serviio would have to interrogate the playing stream regularly in order to send new meta data to the device as the meta data and song title is changed with each selection.

Comments (1)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    the renderer only asks for the information when browsing so these data would not be relevant after 2 hours of streaming. Not doable, was already thinking about it myself.

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