online link containing "live" processes incorrectly in rss feed

Issue #465 invalid
Former user created an issue

As detailed below, if I add this link to online/livestreams it processes correctly even though the link is not currently active and will not display.


The log shows

{{{ 2011-11-23 00:25:46,799 DEBUG [RepositoryServerResource] Updating repository with values: OnlineRepository [fileType=VIDEO, repoType=LIVE_STREAM, repositoryUrl=rtmp://, thumbnailUrl=]

2011-11-23 00:25:47,296 DEBUG [OnlineRepositoryDAOImpl] Creating a new Repository (url = rtmp://

2011-11-23 00:25:47,717 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Stored online content 'rtmp://' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it 2011-11-23 00:25:47,717 DEBUG [FeedUpdaterThread] Retrieving information about the video stream 'rtmp://' 2011-11-23 00:25:47,717 DEBUG [FFMPEGWrapper] Invoking FFMPEG to retrieve media information for file: rtmp:// 2011-11-23 00:25:47,717 DEBUG [ProcessExecutor] Starting C:\Program Files (x86)\Serviio\bin\..\lib/ffmpeg.exe -i rtmp://

2011-11-23 00:25:49,017 WARN [FeedUpdaterThread] Failed to retrieve online item information for rtmp:// It might not play. org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type. at at at Caused by: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type. at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.validateCodecsFound( at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.retrieveMetadata( at ... 2 more 2011-11-23 00:26:02,683 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Found online content 'rtmp://' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it

2011-11-23 00:26:02,716 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Found online content 'rtmp://' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it }}}

However If I add this as the 4th link in an rss feeed it generates the following error message for every link including the valid ones and prevents the other valid links in the rss from displaying. This should not happen. The valid links should process and display correctly. Additionally the invalid lik should generate messages similar to those if the link is added to serviio by itself. The live ; message appears erroneous.

{{{ 2011-11-23 08:55:00,534 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed expired, will reload it 2011-11-23 08:55:00,534 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed not in cache yet, loading it 2011-11-23 08:55:00,534 DEBUG [FeedParser] Parsing feed '' 2011-11-23 08:55:00,754 DEBUG [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Received a valid M-SEARCH message for search target upnp:rootdevice from address / 2011-11-23 08:55:00,754 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s) to / 2011-11-23 08:55:01,029 DEBUG [FeedParser] Found matching url extractor (LiveFeeds) for feed 2011-11-23 08:55:01,029 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Greek Mega TV 2011-11-23 08:55:01,380 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:01,381 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:01,381 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Greek koul TV 2011-11-23 08:55:01,821 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:01,821 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:01,821 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Italian Cielo TV 2011-11-23 08:55:02,354 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:02,354 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:02,354 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Greek gw5 TV 2011-11-23 08:55:02,873 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:02,873 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:02,873 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Crete TV 2011-11-23 08:55:03,369 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:03,369 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:03,369 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Cyprus TV 2011-11-23 08:55:03,818 DEBUG [FeedParser] Unexpected error during url extractor plugin invocation (LiveFeeds): The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. 2011-11-23 08:55:03,818 DEBUG [FeedParser] Cannot add feed entry of feed Live TV Stations because of invalid metadata. Message: Unknown feed entry URL. 2011-11-23 08:55:03,818 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Stored online content '' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it 2011-11-23 08:55:03,819 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed will expire in the cache on Wed Nov 23 16:55:03 EST 2011 }}}

If I remove the link containing "live" from the rss the rss is processed correctly and the links display.

{{{ 2011-11-22 16:52:06,076 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Found online content '' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it 2011-11-22 16:52:06,076 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed expired, will reload it 2011-11-22 16:52:06,076 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed not in cache yet, loading it 2011-11-22 16:52:06,076 DEBUG [FeedParser] Parsing feed '' 2011-11-22 16:52:06,501 DEBUG [FeedParser] Found matching url extractor (LiveFeeds) for feed 2011-11-22 16:52:06,501 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Starting extraction of url for item: Greek koul TV 2011-11-22 16:52:07,034 DEBUG [FeedItemUrlExtractor] LiveFeeds: Finished extraction of url: ContentURLContainer [fileType=VIDEO, contentUrl=rtmp://, thumbnailUrl=, live=true, expiresImmediately=false, ] 2011-11-22 16:52:07,035 DEBUG [FeedParser] Added feed item 1: 'Greek koul TV' 2011-11-22 16:52:07,035 DEBUG [OnlineContentCacheDecorator] Stored online content '' in the cache (online_feeds), returning it 2011-11-22 16:52:07,035 DEBUG [OnlineLibraryManager] Feed will expire in the cache on Wed Nov 23 00:52:07 EST 2011 2011-11-22 16:52:07,035 DEBUG [TechnicalMetadataCacheDecorator] Found technical metadata for online item 'rtmp://' in the cache (online_technical_metadata), returning it }}}

Here is a shortened rss containing the bad link that I've installed at so you can replicate the bug by adding that feed to serviio. The LiveFeeds.groovy below will also access this rss if run standalone.

Note that does not contain the live link so you can also access it to see that the groovy works fine.

{{{ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="">

<channel> <title>Live TV Stations</title> <link></link> <description>Live TV streams</description>

    <title>Greek koul TV</title>
    <media:stream url="rtmp://" />
    <media:thumbnail url="" />
    <title>Italian Cielo TV</title>
    <media:stream url="rtmp://" />
    <media:thumbnail url="" />

</channel> </rss> }}}

and here is the LiveFeeds.groovy called by the rss. {{{ import org.serviio.library.metadata. import

/ * Generic LiveFeeds URL extractor plugin. * Invoked by anyurl/LiveFeeds *
* @author JHB50 *
/ class LiveFeeds extends FeedItemUrlExtractor {

final VALID_FEED_URL = '^http(s)*://.*?LiveFeeds.*?'
def saveUrl

String getExtractorName() {
    return 'LiveFeeds'

boolean extractorMatches(URL feedUrl) {
    //println "feedUrl = " + feedUrl
    saveUrl = "$feedUrl"        //save rss url in string format for getting the feed later
    //println "saveUrl = " + saveUrl
    return feedUrl ==~ VALID_FEED_URL

ContentURLContainer extractUrl(Map links, PreferredQuality requestedQuality) {
    def linkUrl = links.default  /* The <link> tag */
    def contentUrl    /* The video to be played to be returned */
    def thumbnailUrl  /* The thumbnail to be displayed in DLNA menu - to be returned */

    // display the <link> tag
    //println "linkUrl = " + linkUrl

    //goback and get the feed url
    def rssNode = new XmlParser().parse(saveUrl)

    // get a list of items
    List itemNode =
    //println "itemNode = " + itemNode
    //println " "

    // look at each item to find the link url and keep the match

    def matchedItem

    // set matchedItem with item contents
    itemNode.each { it -> if( == linkUrl.toString()) matchedItem = it }

    //println " "
    //println "matchedItem = " + matchedItem
    //println " "

    //now extract the stream url
    def mediaLink = matchedItem =~ '(?s)stream\\[attributes=\\{url=([\\w:/\\?\\=\\.\\-]+)};'

    //println "mediaLink = " + mediaLink[0][1]
    //println " "

    contentUrl = mediaLink[0][1]

    //now extract the thumbnail url
    def thumbLink = matchedItem =~ '(?s)thumbnail\\[attributes=\\{url=([\\w:/\\?\\=\\.\\-]+)};'

    //println "thumbLink = " + thumbLink[0][1]
    //println " "

    thumbnailUrl = thumbLink[0][1]

    def live = true

    return new ContentURLContainer(contentUrl: contentUrl, thumbnailUrl: thumbnailUrl, live: live)

static void main(args) {
    // this is just to test
    LiveFeeds extractor = new LiveFeeds()

    assert extractor.extractorMatches( new URL(""))

    Map videoLinks = ['default': new URL('http://link1')]
    ContentURLContainer result = extractor.extractUrl(videoLinks,PreferredQuality.MEDIUM)
    println "Result: $result"        

} }}}

Lastly here is the output you will get if you run the groovy standalone {{{ C:\Users\John>groovy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Serviio\plugins\LiveFeeds.groovy" [Fatal Error] LiveFeeds_TVStationsTest.rss?attachauth=ANoY7cpwcn8yjZTrLPDMZDWjzm yafflpnwU3Q0Zgbn1DzWDbUlnSkq-CAFuxML9VWtwAkbqYXRlTfpWUr-vwX87kYyG22rrbb1T29fXRaW fYxCltzsNR8WKyalJ1hOvc79OfXvJV_T3C7CbCJ-Omplh-NYaqznipq1jQgj0Zv8uLnC88rbOyVo3f0Q T_B21Y2pE0TXlvb7piAi5szLjuw3qh7Gtryly_tg%3D%3D&attredirects=0:19:81: The referen ce to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. Caught: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The reference to entity "live" must end w ith the ';' delimiter. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The reference to entity "live" must end with the ';' delimiter. at at$JAXPSAXParser.p arse( at LiveFeeds.extractUrl(LiveFeeds.groovy:36) at LiveFeeds$ Source) at LiveFeeds.main(LiveFeeds.groovy:86)


Comments (12)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I assume your feed is not correctly encoded for XML. Any ampersands (&) need to be escaped to &amp;

    The XML parser thinks that &live is a special encoded XML character (which it of course is not) and expects ; at the end.

    If that's the case close this ticket as invalid.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Regardless, the bug is the fact that one bad link has stopped the other valid links from being displayed. If I make this report invalid the 466 is no longer a duplicate since that is the bug it also reports. Which one do you want to keep open.

    Also seems inconsistent that & works if link is added directly but fails if embedded in rss. I'll see if I can add the necessary conversion within my generic groovy to fix this, and if I can wouldn't it be better if you detected standalone &'s in rss links first?

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I think it's caused by the way your plugin is written.

    You have $saveUrl shared variable that includes URL to your invalid feed. Later on you're parsing it via XmlParser() which probably throws this exception. As you're parsing the XML for each item, even the correct ones, they will fail as well.

    You don't have to parse the feed XML at all, just use the links map passed to the plugin method extractUrl().

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Well again you come through to help me. Many thanks once again. I wanted to get this groovy right before I posted it.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    OK before I post this lets make sure I've done it right. The links map won't help me because I'm trying to access the other content of the rss, but if I understand correctly you only call "extractorMatches" once for a feed and then "extractUrl" for every I've moved the building of my List into "extractorMatches" to only do it once, and then I just have to match the list for each item...much more effecient.

    I've attached the new "LiveFeeds.groovy". Please take a look at it. Thanks.

  6. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I understand you control the feed? In that case you should already produce a valid XML instead of fixing it in the plugin:

    def rssPagenew = rssPagetmp.replaceAll('&','&amp;') Also you should not need to do anything about thumbnail, Serviio will find it in your media:thumbnail and use that.

    if you need more info PM me, this is not the place.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks..yes users will define their own rss feeds of live streams. Fix is to allow consistency of url's between livestream format and rss format. Thanks for your help. I'll post this tonite.

  8. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    All your URLs in the XML must be properly encoded otherwise your web service is producing invalid XML files, therefore feeds. Like this you're adding more computing needs on the client when you can easily store the URLs encoded after users enter then to the DB or even when you generate the XML.

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