blank after -start hangs ServiioSevice.exe

Issue #472 invalid
Former user created an issue

Using the following command in a bat will start Serviio, but if there is a trailing blank character "20" instead of an end of line "0D0A" the command will hang. {{{ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Serviio\bin\ServiioService.exe" -start }}}

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm wondering why you did not just use the "sc start serviio" and "sc stop serviio" commands inside a serviioservice.bat (compiled to an exec if you want). I was using these but wanted to use what you provided but I'll go back to the sc commands in my bats to restart serviio. It really would be nice to have a "Restart Serviio" option in a permanent System tray icon and do away with the need for these java Serviio.bat or ServiioService.exe -start bats or sc comand bats on the desktop.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    The OS way to restart the service os definitely the preferred way. The -stop parameter involed for the bat file is there mostly for other OS than Windows.

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