Use file modification timestamp to build library the first time

Issue #518 wontfix
Former user created an issue


I would like to request that the first time the library is built, to have Serviio please add the files to its library in order so that the newest modification timestamp is added last.

This will allow the library to have a proper 'recently added' on first load, and actually makes sense to the user.

This will help people 'test' out various versions without fear* of ruining the recently added lists...

*fear = significant other noting that everything is a mess...

Comments (2)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • changed version to 1.0
    • marked as minor

    might be doable... use lastmodified date in the DB as the value used for the Last Added commands

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • removed version
    • changed status to wontfix

    looked into this and it would not work as expected (at least on Windows). File.modifiedDate doesn't change when you copy/move the file on NTFS so you could end up with a new file (with 2 year old modified date) not being listed in the last added view.

    This is all based on the mechanism being used all the time, not just for the initial scan (which cannot be recognized anyway).

    Closing the ticket.

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