Refresh time

Issue #525 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Setting the time of a file/rss refresh daily, useful for me to have it refreshed before I wake up so I have an up to date view of my media when I switch the TV on.


Comments (6)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • removed version

    can't this be achieved with the current settings? e.g. pause between scans set to 24 hours?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    It's my understanding that if the server restarts/a force refresh is triggered causes the interval to reset?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Is this something you would consider altering ? I was thinking instead of restructuring the interval countdown, would it be possible to calculate how far it is off the set time and adjust the interval time to correspond ? The current system works very well for frequent refreshes but not for infrequent refreshes.

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