Spurious file extensions added to file names, rendering them unplayable

Issue #532 invalid
Former user created an issue

(Actually the version is 0.6.2, but that isn't even available in the drop-down)

Configuration: Server v0.6.2 on XP Professional SP3 (Italian language version) Media Player is Storex SlimBox (don’t laugh, please) on fixed IP address, Generic DLNA Profile – shows green in console. EDIT to clarify - the SlimBox gets its address by DHCP, but in the DHCP server (the router) it is pre-allocated to the SlimBox's MAC address.

Symptoms: All avi files (the only type I’ve tried so far) have .mov added to their names when viewed on the SlimBox, and won’t play, they are reported as “File Not Supported”. The file names are only incorrect on the SlimBox, they are not changed on the server.

Testing To Date: I gathered a suite of test files using all the formats (by which I mean file extensions) that I have to hand for the three main SlimBox categories (Audio, Image and Video). I then put all these on a USB stick, plugged it into the SlimBox and checked each type for visibility and (if visible) playability. I then transferred the USB stick to the server, set it as the only Library folder and used the SlimBox through Serviio to check for changes in file names, as well as visibility and playability. Results were as follows:

Audio: Only two types were tested, MP3 and WMA. Both were visible and playable directly connected to the Slimbox. Through Serviio, both were still visible and playable. The only difference is that the filename of the WMA had a .mp3 appended after the .wma

Image: Only two types were tested, JPG and PNG. Both were visible and playable directly connected to the Slimbox. Through Serviio, the JPG was both visible and playable. The PNG was visible – albeit with .jpg appended after the .png – but was not playable.

Video: Eight types were tested; AVI, MP4, M4V, WMV, MKV, DIVX, MOV and VOB. All except M4V and WMV were visible and playable directly connected to the Slimbox. Through Serviio, all except the MOV had .mov appended after their rightful extensions. Only the MOV and M4V would then play.

I should emphasise that the names of the files on the USB stick have never changed, it is only the view through Serviio (and subsequent handling) that is incorrect.

Comments (14)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner
    • removed version
    • marked as minor

    attach detailed log of browsing to the file and playing it.

    The extensions are added by the renderer, not Serviio - it might be guessing the format and adds the extensions for some reason

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    OK, I think I've done it right. I tried playing the video test files, after failing to play each of the first 4 videos (AVI, AVI + SRT, AVI + SUB and MP4) it managed the fifth (M4V). Note also that at one stage I selected the wrong category (Audio instead of Video IIRC) so backed out and continued.

    Next problem - how do I attach a file?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Quick update question - when you say "The extensions are added by the renderer, not Serviio " - I presume you mean the SlimBox? (sorry, this is the first time I've wandered into UPnP, so the terminology is new to me)

    When I use another PC with WMP to serve avi's to the SlimBox they play just fine.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Got it - so you have to register with BitBucket in order to add attachments. Anyway, sorted now. Here is the log file.

  5. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    ok, can you capture packets via Wireshark when you play the file from WMP? No need to actually play it, just browse to it.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    It'll take me a bit of time (never used wireshark before). I'll let you have it as soon as I can - but it may be tomorrow.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Done. I don't know if it's right, though. I've reduced the network to a minimum to limit the size of the capture.

    FYI the active nodes remaining in the network are: The machine used to capture the packets The server running WMP The SlimBox

    There is also a Devolo DLAN extender in place connecting 149 to the LAN.

    Hope this helps

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Please excuse my terminal stupidity. I will re-do the capture today, but this time capturing from the same machine that is running WMP.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    OK, this time I think it's OK. Network comsisted of only the two nodes: WMP server SlimBox

    There were three test video files recognised by WMP, all in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Documenti\Video.

    They were named:

    Test V01 AVI.avi

    Test V02 AVISRT.avi

    Test V03 AVISUB.avi

    I navigated to them, then played about 10 seconds of each.

    If you need further / different captures, let me know (I'm getting the knack of it now)

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    So, 15 days gone, and not even an acknowledgement, let alone any response. I'm somewhat underwhelmed by the quality of support here ......

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    sheesh - 20 days now. Such a pity, what should be the best product out there, ruined by crap (sorry, that was rude; I should have said utterly nonexistent) support. I've found anotheer solution, and won't be back.

  12. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    as you can see there are 100 other open tickets and I'm finishing release of 1.0. Thanks for the capture, I'll get to it later and hopefully find the solution. Enjoy the other product.

  13. Former user Account Deleted

    impatient much? remind me again, how much did you pay for Serviio Anonymous? Good job with the project though Petr! Keep up the good work!

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