Add support for Apple HttpStreaming

Issue #560 resolved
Petr Nejedly repo owner created an issue

This is needed to deliver video to iOS devices without player transcoding.

Comments (5)

  1. Petr Nejedly reporter

    From Andy:

    ffmpeg -vsync cfr -f $pipefmt -i "$fifo" \
          -map 0:0 -map 0:1 \
          $audio_options -r:a $AR -b:a ${BA}k \
          $video_options -profile:v $P $video_extra \
          -g $keyint -keyint_min $[keyint/2] -r:v $R -b:v ${BV}k \
          -s $S -vf "$dt" \
          -flags -global_header -threads 0 \
          -f segment -segment_time $gop -segment_format mpegts \
          "$frag" < /dev/null
  2. Will Lunniss

    Android devices running 3.0+ (and some runing 2.3) seem to have fairly good support for HTTP Live Streaming via the built in media libraries, which would make writing a custom video player with seek support across Medium/Low qualities for ServiiGo much easier. Please let me know when you start on this so I can do some testing at the same time.

  3. Illico

    It seems that Sony 2013 models support HTTP Live Streaming format in native:

    application/x-mpegURL or (.M3U8) Index Files (Playlists)

    video/MP2T (.ts) Media Segment Files

    exemple of M3U8 :

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