Xbox - please implement "Artists" category functionality

Issue #605 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi there,

As per subject heading. Playing music on the Xbox using the Artists category does work, except for the "The connection to your computer was lost" message that appears when selecting an Artist. Could this functionality be added please?

Thanks in advance. grolschie

Comments (7)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    This is kinda a big deal with all of my music. I can't play an album or a collection of artists from any of my DLNA clients; not just the Xbox. I just moved to Serviio from PS3mediaServer an ran into this limitation.


  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    This is the request

    Search() called for renderer Xbox 360 with parameters: containerID = 1, searchCriteria = (upnp:class = "object.container.album.musicAlbum") and (upnp:artist = "Alabina"), filter = dc:title,upnp:artist, startIndex = 0, count = 1000, sortCriteria = +dc:title
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