Add support for bitmap based subtitles

Issue #644 resolved
Petr Nejedly repo owner created an issue

Comments (11)

  1. Petr Nejedly reporter

    this is an example of scale + overlay

    d:\sample_media\video>ffmpeg -i with_psg_subs.mkv -codec:v mpeg2video -an -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=640:400[vo],[0:s]scale=640:400[so],[vo][so]overlay[v]" -sn -map [v] -y -f mpegts d:\out_sub.mpg

    for scale with external subs:

    ffmpeg -i with_psg_subs.mkv -codec:v mpeg2video -an -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=640:400,subtitles=filename='d\:\\sample_media\\video\\Female-Agents (2012)\\cd2\\'[v]" -sn -map [v] -y -f mpegts d:\out_sub.mpg
  2. Petr Nejedly reporter
    • removed version

    Postponing until FFmpeg has proper subtitles support in libavfilter so that we don't break filters (-vf)

  3. Giovanni Musto

    Today I was wondering why some of my MKV files don't show subtitles and I found out that they have VOBSUB subtitles. I also discovered that Serviio first extracts the subtitle track and then burns them into the video. I read the ffmpeg documentation and I came up with a solution like the one you posted above, with the use of -filter_complex to resize the embedded subtitles and overlay them to the video, but I can't understand why you delayed this feature and what are the broken filters. I think that the support to bitmap based subtitles is crucial and should be implemented ASAP because they're the standard of the DVD format and a lot of files won't play without it.

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