Metadata lookup retries for media without Metadata

Issue #646 resolved
Mike Clayton created an issue

Hi Petr,

An idea for an enhancement. When Serviio gets a timeout or lookup error when retrieving Metadata (Especially from which appears to be having some issues at the moment) it only attempts the metadata collection once and then gives up. The only way to retrieve the metadata after this is to move and re-add the file so Serviio sees it as a new file and re-adds it, or press re-scan Metadata which rescans the whole database.

The problem with rescanning the whole database is a) it takes a long time and b) if it has a lookup timeout/error on a file which already has metadata it deletes the metadata you already have... Net result is you may pick up the metadata for the file you were trying to add but loose metadata for file you already have.

Can Serviio be programmed to rescan files without metadata and perform additional lookups automatically or add another button to the Metadata page to rescan file without metadata.

I seem to spend quite a bit of time in the Serviio logs working out why the Movie or Series I just added hasn't appear under Movie or Series and most are metadata retrieval errors that a simple retry fixes.

Just an Idea but I think this would be a good feature for Serviio.

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