Sony BDP-S790 Blu-Ray player incorrectly detected by Serviio

Issue #655 invalid
Former user created an issue

With Serviio v1.2, my S790 was being correctly detected. Now, with 1.2.1, it's being incorrectly detected as "Sony BDP-Sx70/SMP-N100 (2010)". I have to manually switch it to "Sony BDP-Sx90 (2012)".

I am using the latest firmware on the Sony BDP-S790.

Comments (4)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    this is expected. the dbp doesnt identify itself with any model number so we default to the 2010 model

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    It's a regression bug, isn't it? Because autodetection worked with 1.2 using the same BDP, but now fails with 1.2.1.

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    we reverted the change to pre 1.2 behaviour because of users of 2010 device would not be able to play theit files without changing their profiles, as they were used to

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