List Episode name then series when displaying names alphabetically

Issue #676 resolved
Mike Clayton created an issue

Hi Petr

When listing media via title, could episode names be displayed then the series they come from.

Ie. List by Title, Letter P I get

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans's chest
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  • Pitch Black
  • Andromida (4/04):Pitiless as the Sun
  • Farscape (1/05):PK Tech Girl
  • BlackAdder (4/02):Plan B: Corporal Punish...
  • Planet Terror
  • Star Trek: Deep space Nine (2/17):Playin...

It would be much easier to read if the Episode name came first...

Ie. List by Title, Letter P

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans's chest
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  • Pitch Black
  • Pitiless as the Sun:Andromida (4/04)
  • PK Tech Girl:Farscape (1/05)
  • Plan B: Corporal Punishment:BlackAdder (4/02)
  • Planet Terror
  • Playing God: Star Trek: Deep space Nine (2/17)

Comments (13)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    but they will still be sorted by the episode name, ie going to Titles -> P you will get episodes starting with P, not series. So you would end up with

    • Movie staring with P
    • Searies Name1: SSxEE: episodeNameStartingWithP
    • Searies Name2: SSxEE: episodeNameStartingWithP
    • Movie staring with P
    • Searies Name2: SSxEE: episodeNameStartingWithP

    Is that something you want?

  2. Mike Clayton reporter

    Hi Petr

    This is what I was thinking. Keeping the sort order exactly the same just put the Episode name before the series name

    Before Before After After Just easier to read

  3. Will Lunniss

    Is this being appied to other views (e.g. Last added etc...?), or is it only when going via Titles? I have code that extracts the series name, season number, episode number and episode title from the combined title when in the details view and this change will require a different regex pattern.

  4. Will Lunniss

    Actually this is going to be a pain for the case where the episode or show name has a : in it, as before I was able to make use of the (NN/NN): in the middle to seperate the two. I don't think its possible to reliably split something like Playing God: Star Trek: Deep space Nine (2/17) into episode name and series name. Any ideas?

  5. Will Lunniss

    OK. I guess i'll just have to make a best effort approach in that case, from my own collection, its more likely that the series name has the : in it that the episode name.

  6. Will Lunniss

    If thats OK with the OP, then yes, that would then make it possible to extract the info I need. Currently its only cosmetic as it allows me to display 01. Pilot by the thumbnail, then Series Name - Season 01 undernearth, but in later versions I want to be able to let the user navigate straight to the series/season from an episode regardless of how they got there.

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