Let plugins for online sources provide additional metadata

Issue #700 resolved
Will Lunniss created an issue

Most of the sources used by the different plugins contain a description of the video, it would be nice if plugin devs could extract and return that information for use on devices that support it plus MediaBrowser/ServiiGo.

Options could also be to return a category/genre, but that would need probably need a list of accepted ones to keep it standardised.

You may even let the plugin return a thumbnailUrl applicable for all items for use as a folder thumbnail (think web resources where there is a poster image for the show on the page) https://bitbucket.org/xnejp03/serviio/issue/694/display-thumbnail-for-online-resource , with a fall back to just selecting one video's thumbnail. Or at a minimum, let the user enter one in the console.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Will is referring to the thumbnail for the folder(feed) not the item thumb. Thumbs currently specified in "return new WebResourceContainer(title: pageTitle, thumbnailUrl: pageThumb, items: items)" are ignored and do not display on devices that can show them eg: ServiioGo and BubbleUpnp.

    Currently I use "title" to contain descriptive info such as sports channel schedules. A "metadata" item might be a better way but I have no experience with "metadata" and I don't know how to display it on my Samsung or in Mediabrowser, whereas the "Title" is always available for display.

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