ffmpeg fails with user-agent on rtmp stream

Issue #708 resolved
Former user created an issue

When userAgent is added to ContentURLContainer, when thumbnail retrieval requires a UserAgent, and the stream URL protocol is rtmp, the resulting ffmpeg command will fail with -user-agent unknown.

ffmpeg.exe -analyzeduration 10000000 -user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1)" -i "rtmp:// playpath=pt2 pageUrl=http://sportsembed.com swfUrl= live=1"

the command needs to be:

ffmpeg.exe -analyzeduration 10000000 -i "rtmp:// playpath=pt2 pageUrl=http://sportsembed.com swfUrl= live=1"

-user-agent should only be added to the ffmpeg command when the url protocol is http.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Same failure occurs with 1.4beta1 if protocol is rtsp -user-agent should only be added to the ffmpeg command when the url protocol is http.

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