Access to online feeds, console default expiry time

Issue #735 resolved
Former user created an issue

To maintain currency of dynamic feeds such as sports events, my plugins add a final item detailing the last and next refresh times. Where the user provides the timeout interval to the plugin as a parameter, the next refresh time is available, but otherwise the next refresh will be at the console default and this information is not available. This request is to make that console default interval available to the extract items method just as the maxItems is currently

WebResourceContainer extractItems(URL resourceUrl, int maxItemsToRetrieve) to WebResourceContainer extractItems(URL resourceUrl, int maxItemsToRetrieve int feedRefreshInterval) 8

Comments (7)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Do you need the value from the console (ie number of hours) or the actual time of the next expiry happening?

    I don't think it'll be in the method parameters (that would break all current plugins).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    "that would break all current plugins" Cannot your "methods" be overloaded with any new parms?. I am doing that quite successfully with my @Mixin methods.

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    perhaps yes, but I'll probably just add it as another shared method you can call from within the plugin

    getFeedExpiryDuration() or something like that

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