[Synology DS214play + Serviio 1.3.1] NAS woke up every hour

Issue #739 resolved
Former user created an issue

I've installed Seviio on my Synology NAS, i've setted no plugin research and now NAS going to sleep after 10minutes. The issue is that every hour (exactly 60 minutes no one more, no one less) the NAS is woken up by Serviio. I tried to disable Serviio packet and NAS sleep normally until i woke it up. I've try to enable "DEBUG" on Log but with debug-log-level enabled NAS doesn't hibernate.

Comments (33)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Same problem DS412+, Serviio 1.4. Fresh install, no customization for plugins.check, library refresh unchecked (pause=240, but same result with 120), all library folders 'scan for file additions' unchecked for all. Patters' Java SE 6 package, 1.6.0_38-0021. No other packages running on DS412+. Hibernate set for 10 minutes; functions as expected. Wakes every 1 hour. Package stopped and restarted via Synology interface after each setting change in Serviio console. Does not wake from hibernation with Serviio disabled in DS412+ package center.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    This is exactly my issue too. I'm running 1.4. What does Petr '• changed version to 1.4.1' mean? Meaning it will be fixed in 1.4.1? Is 1.4.1 out or when?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    If I stop Serviio this hibernation problem disappears so it must be due to Serviio.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    I tried that before. The problem is, if I enable detailed log, NAS never sleeps. When I looked at the detailed log, it had activities every second.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    I tried several times to attach a detailed log but I am not sure if it was attached successfully. In Chrome it seemed to hang after I attached it and in IE11 it said 403 error. Anyway as I said, during detailed log, hibernation never happens.

  6. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Ok, what if you, instead of DEBUG, change the config in log4j.xml to ERROR. It should not print anything in the log. Does it still wake up?

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Here is what I did:

    At 18:55 yesterday I stopped Serviio and changed in log4j.xml from DEBUG to ERROR. I deleted serviio.log.

    Then I let it be (Serviio stopped) for about 3.5 hours till 22:24. You can see in system log there were a few wake ups in irregular intervals. As there were network devices (PC, mobile etc) in the LAN of NAS I consider them normal.

    At 22:24 I logged in NAS and started Serviio. All those network devices were still there but they might be less active.

    Today at 6:42 I logged in again and checked system log. As you can see there were regular wake ups at 1-hour interval.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 06:47:49,admin,User [admin] logged in from [x.x.x.x]

    (Third login to write this)

    Information,System,2014/02/05 06:47:40,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 06:27:24,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 05:27:24,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 04:27:23,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 03:27:23,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 02:27:24,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 01:27:23,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/05 00:27:23,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 23:27:23,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 22:26:28,admin,User [admin] logged in from [x.x.x.x]

    Information,System,2014/02/04 22:24:25,admin,User [admin] logged in from [x.x.x.x]

    (Second login, started Serviio)

    Information,System,2014/02/04 22:24:06,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 22:08:57,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 21:05:14,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 19:16:17,SYSTEM,Internal disks woke up from hibernation.

    Information,System,2014/02/04 18:55:41,admin,User [admin] logged in from [x.x.x.x]

    (First login, stopped Serviio and modifieded log4j.xml)

  8. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Thanks, can you revert the log4j change and add

     <category name="org.serviio.licensing">
          <priority value="DEBUG"/>

    to the file? It should only enable detailed log for licensing module (and leave the rest to INFO), which is the only place I can see is 1 hour interval. Then see if there are some entries in the log related to the disk waking up.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    OK I will do this. I just noticed I made a mistake in yesterday's test: I modified in the following section DEBUG to ERROR, instead of in category org.serviio:

         <appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
                <param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
                <param name="Append" value="true" />

    Did this possibly affect the test result? The serviio.log is zero in size as I doubled checked.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    OK, it seems to be the case. I added category org.serviio.licensing and gave it DEBUG, while all the rest INFO, at 7:59.

    I got the log as below:

    (Serviio startup blah blah blah)

    2014-02-05 07:59:51,544 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (339 bytes)

    2014-02-05 07:59:52,282 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-05 07:59:52,282 INFO [MediaServer] License: FREE

    2014-02-05 07:59:52,283 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-05 07:59:52,328 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: xxxxxxxx, bound address: x.x.x.x

    2014-02-05 07:59:55,073 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing Profiles definition

    2014-02-05 07:59:56,032 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Generic DLNA profile' (id=1)

    2014-02-05 07:59:56,133 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (B-series)' (id=2)

    ... ... ...

    2014-02-05 08:59:51,874 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (339 bytes)

    2014-02-05 09:59:50,398 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (339 bytes)

    2014-02-05 10:59:51,058 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (339 bytes)

    2014-02-05 11:59:50,179 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (339 bytes)

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    I forgot to mention that the disk wake-ups shown in NAS system log are correspondent to these license validations.

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    It's sadly the same:

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,513 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,580 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT (rev. 842f70ec8d15+)

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,581 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2013

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,581 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,581 INFO [MediaServer]

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,592 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.7.0_51-Oracle Corporation

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,592 INFO [MediaServer] OS Linux arm

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,593 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: UTF-8

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,608 INFO [MediaServer] Headless mode enabled: true

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,608 INFO [MediaServer] User: serviio

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,608 INFO [MediaServer] User home dir: /var/services/homes/serviio

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,609 INFO [MediaServer] Temp dir: /tmp

    2014-02-06 19:59:11,609 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-06 19:59:13,287 INFO [WebServer] Socket buffer set to 65535 bytes

    2014-02-06 19:59:13,298 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/rest) exposed on port 23423

    2014-02-06 19:59:13,757 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/cds) exposed on port 23424

    2014-02-06 19:59:13,758 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/mediabrowser) exposed on port 23424

    2014-02-06 19:59:13,883 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated

    2014-02-06 19:59:22,617 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-06 19:59:22,793 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-06 19:59:23,630 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-06 19:59:23,630 INFO [MediaServer] License: PRO (BETA, id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111112)

    2014-02-06 19:59:23,630 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    2014-02-06 19:59:23,691 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: xxxxxxxx

    2014-02-06 19:59:26,407 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing Profiles definition

    2014-02-06 19:59:26,978 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Generic DLNA profile' (id=1)

    2014-02-06 19:59:27,078 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (B-series)' (id=2)

    2014-02-06 19:59:27,097 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Xbox 360' (id=3)

    2014-02-06 19:59:27,109 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Playstation 3' (id=4)

    2014-02-06 19:59:27,115 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (A-series)' (id=5)

    2014-02-06 19:59:27,179 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'DirecTV HD-DVR' (id=6)

    ... ...

    2014-02-06 20:59:23,062 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-06 20:59:23,063 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-06 21:59:33,150 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-06 21:59:33,151 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-06 22:59:46,035 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-06 22:59:46,036 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-06 23:59:57,449 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-06 23:59:57,450 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 01:00:09,774 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 01:00:09,774 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 02:00:21,870 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 02:00:21,871 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 03:00:33,719 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 03:00:33,720 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 04:00:45,918 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 04:00:45,918 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 05:00:57,918 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 05:00:57,919 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 06:01:10,570 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 06:01:10,571 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 07:01:21,986 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 07:01:21,987 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 08:01:33,436 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 08:01:33,437 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 09:01:44,780 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 09:01:44,781 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 10:01:56,489 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 10:01:56,490 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

    2014-02-07 11:01:57,130 DEBUG [LicensingManager] Updating license

    2014-02-07 11:01:57,130 DEBUG [LicenseValidator] Validating license file (344 bytes)

  13. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    The easiest solution currently is to increase the license check timeout to 1 day, which should help

  14. Former user Account Deleted

    Yes it can help, before a perfect solution is out. Can I do this by myself and how?

  15. Former user Account Deleted

    Petr this issue is NOT resolved yet, why is sticked as that?

    Please tell us how to fix this problem, then will be resolved.

  16. Will Lunniss

    It is marked as resolved for version 1.4.1, i.e. you need to wait until 1.4.1 is released to get the fix.

  17. Former user Account Deleted

    I don't know if there will be a new revision of the 1.4.1 because olivex tested the current rev right in this thread.

    Anyway it's wrong to mark with 'resolved' this thread, it's better mark it "planned" , because it's not fixed yet...

  18. Former user Account Deleted

    It seems the hourly wake up comes back after I upgrade to Why this is made so complicated...

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