MediaBrowser Playlist window controls not working

Issue #752 open
Former user created an issue

The playlist in the playlist window will not respond to the up/down or pageup/pagedown keys. One must click and drag the scroll bar to find items further down the playlist.

Comments (8)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Should this just scroll the playlist on arrow down or actually select the next video as well?

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    The mediabrowser playlist page still has a number of unresolved problems.

    1. When the page is loaded, the right hand "Playlist" frame should have focus so that any actions will move the list. Currently one must click the right hand frame to get focus and then the up/down keys will move the list.

    2. The up/down keys now work but they move the list 2 entries at a time, rather than 1, and are not typematic.

    3. The page up/page down keys still do not work.

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