Separate profile file for user profiles

Issue #766 resolved
DenyAll created an issue

Refer Create an optional profile file, called "user-profiles.xml" that can contained user created profiles. This file would only be loaded if it exists. It would allow more advanced user to create and store their own specific device profiles, stored in a file that isn't overwritten by the installer.

Optional - give priority to of device detection (by the <Detection> section) to profiles in this file. This would enable a user to include the device detection in their profile and not have to remove it from the standard profiles. Everything else follows existing inheritance rules.

Comments (4)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    From Roku support:

    Separate profiles just make it easier for me to make changes to a test profile.

    I'm maintain my serviio profiles in perforce for version control. But to use them I need to merge them into the profiles.xml file, and then restart the serviio server.

    Would be easier to just have a directory /profiles/... that would contain xml profiles that you just slurp up when starting.

    I would recommend you read them in alphabetical order. That way dependencies can be manually handled with a name change.

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