swisscenter - xml files not being read

Issue #795 closed
Former user created an issue

ref Issue #754

Problem has reappered, just discovered I have 91 files under unkrown genre in Serviio! I use swisscenter to set the genre of my movies, (since I have not found a better simpler alternative) However, I have a number of movies with updated xml files with right genre. However Servio does not see this, and puts the files in genre "unknown"? How can I make serviio see it? I have tried the "rescan metadata button" I have tried force library refresh but still remains unknown, how do I fix?

a couple of xml files attached - not being read by Serviio. If possible give me fault free way of creating xml file, and I will do them manually from now on...

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    and is there something I can do to the xml files manually to get them in right?

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    What if you remove the first line from the files?

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  3. Former user Account Deleted

    if I remove the first line, special characters is not identified. If I take a working xml with special characters, and manually change filename and title inside, leaving genre, it still end s up in unknown...

  4. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    So the XML cannot have the line above (meta).

    For the proper chacters, try to use tis inctead:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

    but make sure the file is indeed encoded in that character set. I tried your Det Gylde Compas and could get it to show the genre correcty in any text editor, using iso-8895-1.

    I think the genre doesn't show, because the whole file fails to parse, leaving you with 'Unknown' genre, but I assume the file is also missing from Movies category (?) and you canonly see it under Folders, with the file name (instead of 'title' from the metadata file)

  5. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    workaround provided, closing until there is a user feedback confirming this is still an issue

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