Synology : @eaDir / @eadir / @eaDIR listed in Albums

Issue #797 closed
Former user created an issue

I'm using serviio on a Synology (in fact, xpenology), it's a great work, thank you.

I've seen the issue #774 and it's working fine, @eadir are hidden from the folder view in Serviio (Image/Folders). But they are still being indexed in the album view (Image/Albums).

Is there a way to exclude it ? (or maybe let the user choose a pattern to be excluded from the console ?)

Comments (2)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    That should make no difference. Are you sure the files have not been indexed already before the upgrade to the version that supports the @eadir filtering? This check is only used when the file is first added to the library.

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