Album artist in FLAC Tags problem

Issue #824 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Serviio shows 2 albums instead of one although albumartist is the same.

another artistname seems to trigger that problem.

A MP3 album with identically tags does not trigger that problem.

Comments (12)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    The "compilation" flag is also important in my opinion. But i don't know if serviio keeps an eye on that.

    The compilation flag is set to "1" when you have an album with different artistnames, for example albums like "Best Music of 2014" and things like that.

    If the compilation flag is set to 1 then all songs should show up in the same album even if they have different artist and albumartist names.

    I think the problem with the albumartist tag is thats not a standard tag field (see:

    There is also a list of proposal fields (see:

    Its also important that there a some fields that can be used more than one time for example genre and artist tag: ARTIST=artist_a, ARTIST=artist_b, GENRE=Pop, GENRE=Rock

    more links:

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    The original issue seems to be caused by missing album artist tag on one of the songs. In this case Serviio uses the artist's name as a album artist fallback - thus creating a new album. Can you post the tag list for the one track with Bowie as artist?

    The way Serviio identifies albums is by its title + album artist (there are many albums with the same title and we don't want all the songs merged under one album). I agree that compilation support should fix some of these problems. There is already a ticket for this: #779

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Pretty much all my 'compilation' albums do this. They are CDs ripped to AAC files by iTunes. Serviio has one album showing up for every artist listed on the album.

    One album has the same artist listed in the metadata for every song except one, so that album shows up only twice in the list: one album with a single song, and the other with the rest of the songs.

  4. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    What I'm saying is that if Album Artist is missing, it uses Artist to identify the album.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Ah... "Album Artist" is not a default field in iTunes metadata. There's an "Add Field" button and "Album Artist" is in there. The field can be added song-by-song, and is blank. Can "artist" not be used instead when "Album Artist" is empty or not existing? This is a problem, because I guess a lot of people use iTunes to rip CDs and retrieve the metadata.

  6. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    "Can "artist" not be used instead when "Album Artist" is empty or not existing?"

    That's exactly what's happening currently (see above). I think that cause the original symptoms of this ticket, as well as the "many albums for a compilation" effect.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    Does Serviio look for "ALBUMARTIST" or "ALBUM ARTIST" ?

    edit: now it works, i started libraryscanning again but i haven't changed any tags.

    But the problem with compilations is still present without album artist flag.

    Usualy compilations have no album artist. Perhaps its a good idea using the COMPILATION flag. If all songs are in the same folder, have the same album titel and compilation is set to 1.

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