MediaBrowser with iOS 8 not working correctly

Issue #833 resolved
Petr Nejedly repo owner created an issue

Not sure if it's i)S 8 issue only (need to test with previous versions), but it looks like the problem is:

  • HTML5 video doing preload even if preload="none" - it starts the transcoding job once the player window opens
  • after playing a few videos, the device starts requesting all previously played videos in a quick succession - like if player.unload() doesn't work and it somehow remembers the previous videos. See:

This is with 1.5 beta

raised Flowplayer ticket:

also asking at the forums:!/scripting_api:ios8-ipad-plugin-change-cli

Comments (5)

  1. Petr Nejedly reporter

    preload seems to always happen on iOS the second issue seems to be fixed by updating the fp_close() function - details on the flowplayer forum

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