Support .asx playlist extra features

Issue #847 wontfix
Former user created an issue

.asx playlists are supported, but only in the most basic form of a list of files.

The .asx standard includes some extra tags that are very useful.

STARTTIME and DURATION, support for these within serviio would be perfect for avoiding the need to duplicate portions of pre-existing files.

Example being a TV series, where you would like to have the complete series in the library, but also a playlist comprising of 1 specific "feature" that occurs in every episode.

Without this feature you would need to have duplicates of each episode and then edit the duplicates to be just the section you want. In the cases of some TV shows this could wind up being extremely wasteful and inefficient in terms of storage space required, all for the sake of a small feature already built in to the .asx standard and just not supported.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Any more movement on this?

    Been 15 Months since raised and this has not been included in the latest version.

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