Mediabrowser Playlist Jumps Erratically under 1.5.2

Issue #867 resolved
Former user created an issue

Beginning with 1.5.2, when clicking a new video to play from the list on the right side of the "Playlist" screen, the list jumps erratically to a random new position that may or may not contain the highlighted new video title. I have reverted to and tested and the list remains stable and the new video is highlighted in its original position. Reverting back to 1.5.2 the list jumps again.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    This happens for both files and on-line feeds but only when the list is longer than the 9 items that fit on the right side.

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    updated scrolling to selected playlist item so that it only gets invoked when the selected item is not visible and scrolls so that it's at the bottom of the visible area

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