Grid View Broken in Mediabrowser under Chrome when Zoom != 100%

Issue #890 resolved
Former user created an issue

Under Windows Chrome Version 47.0.2526.106, Grid view displays the name of the resource and/or the Media for an instant and then clears them. Applicable to All Media types. See screen captures contrasting Grid & List views

Comments (11)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I cannot reproduce this with the same Chrome version. Can you try it again with beta 1.6 and cleared browser cache?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I will try to install 1.6 this week.

    BTW, I do not use grid view and only found this while debugging another users problem.

    FYI, the blank line only happens when MB.js executes <div class="thumbnailMainTitle" ellipsis="{{item.title}}"></div> in <div class="thumbnailMainTitle" ellipsis="{{item.title}}"></div> and if the title spans 2 lines, the first line shows and the second has its bottom cut off.

    Also the line after that is incorrect. <div class="thumbnailSubTitle" ng-show="!isContainer && item.fileType === \'AUDIO\'">{{item.album}}</div> album is redundant to main heading and should be <div class="thumbnailSubTitle" ng-show="!isContainer && item.fileType === \'AUDIO\'">{{item.artist}}</div>

    Also, I am trying to display the "Album Artist" under the "Album Title" in the "Albums" category for both Grid and list views. This is necessary to distinguish duplicate "Album Titles" like "Greatest Hits". Is it returned when Albums are browsed? item.artist appears to be blank but artist it is returned as the item.title in the "Album Artists" category so it should be available.

    Albums Grid View2.jpg Album Grid View Fixed.jpg Albums Grid Greatest Hits.jpg

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Would you believe... I changed the <div class="thumbnailMainTitle" ellipsis="{{item.title}}"></div> referenced above to <div class="thumbnailMainTitle" >"{{item.title}}"</div> to make it consistent with the other "Main Title" lines and the problem went away. What was the ellipsis intended to do?

  4. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I've updated pont 2) - replace album with artist in the grid view.

    Still cannot reproduce point 1 - even for multiple lines it works for me. Are you sure you don't have some zoom in your browser?

    Point 3 - no, album artist is not passed in the CDS API. Compilation albums will be sorted in #779

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Bingo.. zoom set to anything less than 100% in Chrome causes first text line under each grid box to blink then disappear and over 100% the lines get clipped. This should not happen..under IE all lines display correctly at all zoom values.

    Re point 3 - Using CDS API I get:

    2015-12-20 23:55:12,329 DEBUG [LogService] Processing request to: http://localhost:23424/cds/browse/android/A_ALB/BrowseDirectChildren/all/0/16?
    2015-12-20 23:55:12,336 DEBUG [MusicAlbumDAOImpl] Retrieving list of all music albums (from=0, count=16)
    2015-12-20 23:55:12,421 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage for music album (id = 613)
    2015-12-20 23:55:12,427 DEBUG [MusicTrackDAOImpl] Retrieving number of music tracks for album 613 [Any]
    2015-12-20 23:55:12,433 DEBUG [PersonDAOImpl] Retrieving list of persons with role ALBUM_ARTIST for MusicAlbum 613

    but only only Album Name is returned. Where is the track count and ALBUM_ARTIST?

    but Bubble Upnp issues :

    2015-12-21 00:08:09,375 DEBUG [ContentDirectory] Browse() called for renderer BubbleUPnP Media Renderer (profile Android) with parameters: objectID = A_ALB, browseFlag = BrowseDirectChildren, filter = *, startIndex = 0, count = 16, sortCriteria = 
    2015-12-21 00:08:09,376 DEBUG [AccessGroupDAOImpl] Reading a AccessGroup (id = 1)
    2015-12-21 00:08:09,377 DEBUG [MusicAlbumDAOImpl] Retrieving list of all music albums (from=0, count=16)
    2015-12-21 00:08:09,391 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage for music album (id = 613)
    2015-12-21 00:08:09,392 DEBUG [MusicTrackDAOImpl] Retrieving number of music tracks for album 613 [No_Restriction]
    2015-12-21 00:08:09,394 DEBUG [PersonDAOImpl] Retrieving list of persons with role ALBUM_ARTIST for MusicAlbum 613

    and gets all values and is able to display ALBUM_ARTIST on second line under Album Title which qualifies redundant Album Titles like "Greatest Hits" with the "Artists Name" and makes them meaningful..

    Do I need to report this as a bug?

    Compilation albums is a different issue.

  6. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Yes please, report 3 as a separate enhancement. It's probably just not sent via the CDS API, but it is via DLNA.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Raised #895 for point #3. Note the call was missing in the above code blocks. Fixed to show the CDS "all" call and the DLNA "*" call.

  8. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Resolved by removing JavaScript based ellipsis (which didn't recalculate when the zoom changed) and replacing it with CSS based one. It only works on WebKit browsers, though. IE and Firefox just cut the line and don't show the '...'.

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