Adding MediaCenterMaster movie.xml files to the list of metadata sources

Issue #904 resolved
Ivan Toniolli created an issue

I use MCM to save a very metadata rich file in each folder for every movie I rip to the NAS. It is the same process for series, files attached. It would be great if we could use those types of files. Folder structure is \Movie Name\movie.xml \TV Series Name\series.xml \TV Series Name\Season x\Metadata\episodexyz.xml Samples attached for all three Regards

Comments (10)

  1. Ivan Toniolli reporter

    Hi Peter, have you had a chance to review this feature addition request, and decided on its priority? Right now I can't use properly the functionality as I need to go to my movies folder and due to the number (3500+ folders) it stops scrolling after the folders that begin with P.... titles doesn't work, and obviously genres also don't work right now.

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    This is marked as release for 1.7, which I haven't started working on yet. It'll be a few months.

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Done. Please apply for the beta testing group on the forums (PM me) so that you can test this when the beta for 1.7 is out.

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