disk wakes up from hibernation

Issue #908 invalid
Former user created an issue

Since the last Serviio package update (1.5.2-0028) my Synology NAS DS112j wakes up every 20-30 minutes. If I stop Serviio, there are no wake ups anymore. How to solve this?

Comments (7)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    After I set the hibernation time from 10 to 15 minutes, I noticed the wake up interval time changed to one or two hours. After I expanded the hibernation time further to 30 minutes, there is no wake up for a couple of days now. So it seems okay for me, although the problem isn't really solved of course.

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Can you correlate the time of wake up with what's happening in the (detailed) serviio log?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    No I can't. See the detailed log. After row 479 serviio update, the shit starts. The frequency decreases though after time set at 15 min (row 91) and it seems to be over after time set at 30 min (row 15). That's until I boot up the system (row 13), because of bad streaming to my tv. Then it gets really strange, with a few new hibernations.

  4. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I've done some changes in 1.6.1. Please check once it's out and if it works let me know so that we can close this ticket.

  5. patters

    I have lacked the time to troubleshoot hibernation unfortunately. My NAS disks are constantly on since I use the Surveillance Station app. I can test hibernation of Serviio 1.6.1 once I've made the Synology package if you think it may be fixed now.

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