Console - dead icons

Issue #913 resolved
Former user created an issue

When the left panel is maximized, heading icons must be clicked to open sub menus and then successive clicks on a heading icon close and reopen the sub menus. When minimized however, hovering over a heading icon opens the submenus, and while a click will close the submenus, a second click no-ops and does not reopen the sub menus.

Comments (8)

  1. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    I don't know exactly what you mean. Is this on a Desktop or tablet / mobile? What I'm seeing is: Maximised - you can toggle the sub menu being open / closed by clicking on the Main item. Minimised - you have to hover over the main item to see submenu and click on the sub item to select the page. Clicking on the main icon does nothing.

    This is the expected behaviour.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Open console and minimize the left menu bar then click the library (2pages icon) then click online sources. That all works. Now click the library icon or the delivery icon and nothing happens.

  3. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Nothing happens when I click Library icon. I have to hover over it and click on Online or Shared submenu.

    Library and Delivery icons behave differently to the others, as they are groups of subpages. Clicking on them doesn't open any page, only another submenu (via hover).

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    You have just repeated what I said "Open console and minimize the left menu bar then click the library (2pages icon) then click online sources." That all works and the submenu closes and the online sources appear."

    But if you now "hover" over the library icon or the delivery icon again expecting the submenu to appear in order to pick another option it does not.

    This is happening when I invoke ServiioConsole.exe using my desktop "Start Serviio Console" shortcut which is now required in the absence of the system tray icon. I now see on testing that it does not happen if I run "" in a browser.

  5. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    Ok, got it. It happens when the console is a certain width (a small range actually, but the console wrapper default width falls into the range).

    Fixed now.

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