No Standalone Console Context Menu

Issue #924 resolved
Former user created an issue

When started in a browser the new console supports the right click context menu for copy/paste. When started as ServiioConsole.exe however the context menu is not available. It would be nice if it could be enabled.

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Those tips refer to enabling Ctrl + C etc. I believe all the control keys work fine however the uneducated user will probably try to use the right click to obtain the context menu which contains a copy command. It is the context menu that does not appear in the standalone console.

  2. Petr Nejedly repo owner

    This looks like more work than anticipated. The menu building must be done in the renderer process (ie in the console html), but looks like nodejs has to be turned on for the 'require' commands to work.

    Leaving this for a later version with the fallback of opening the console in a web browser.

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