Add id number to message when new repository is created.

Issue #928 wontfix
Former user created an issue

The current message is: 2016-02-11 14:12:46,590 DEBUG [OnlineRepositoryDAOImpl] Creating a new Repository (url =

It would be helpfulin debugging if the new id number were added at the end: 2016-02-11 14:12:46,590 DEBUG [OnlineRepositoryDAOImpl] Creating a new Repository (url =,id=541)

just as it is when an entry is deleted: 2016-02-11 15:06:53,551 DEBUG [OnlineRepositoryService] Will remove OnlineRepository: OnlineRepository [repositoryUrl=, fileType=VIDEO, repoType=WEB_RESOURCE, userEnteredThumbnailUrl=null, repositoryName=All ILIVE HD, enabled=true, accessGroupIds=null, order=2, id=541]

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