Prevent automatic server restart at reboot

Issue #987 new
Yann R created an issue

Using Serviio 1.8 and former versions (under macOS 10.12.2) I noticed that:

  1. if you stopped Serviio server from Serviio-console
  2. it remains stopped as expected
  3. but the restart of Serviio is forced when I shutdown and reboot my system

This is not very natural for a user who decided to manually stop the server, and let him only uninstall Serviio as a real way to stop it until the next manual restart.

Could it be possible to:

  • correct this behavior at reboot and let Serviio stopped if the user decided to stop it?
  • or add one more feature, like "Stop until next reboot" + "Stop definitely"?

Best regards

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