Install Trouble on Mac 10.12

Issue #1 resolved
Kirkpatrick, Nathaniel J created an issue

Can't find TiffIOConfig.cmake or a suitable Qt version. Followed steps in README to use Macports to install glew, qt4-mac, glut, and tiff, but building remains illusive.

Any suggestions as to how to fix this would be awesome! Thanks.

Screen Shot 2017-07-05 at 5.56.04 PM.png

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Nathan, Sorry for the late answer. I did not see that you opened an issue, That is a strange problem. I just tried again and also upgraded my cmake to the newest version to make sure that this is not the problem. First of all: Did you remove the checkbox from QT_TIFFIO? The problem which happens is that it should look for the file : FindTiffIO.cmake in the cmake folder of the root. Somehow in your case it does not find it. The CMakeLists.txt in the libautoscoper and autoscoper folder include the line "set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/")". As a test you could change the path to an absolute path and not the relative to see if that fixes it. BTW, which cmake version are you using?

    And for QT4 can you set a QT path? I think the problem is related to some changes they made in the qt4-mac port. ( Can you try to set the QT_DIR and QMAKE before running cmake ,e.g:

    export QMAKE=/opt/local/libexec/qt4/bin/

    export QTDIR=/opt/local/libexec/qt4/

    Best, Ben

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