Optimization Not Optimal At Full Resolution

Issue #7 resolved
Andrew W L Dickinson created an issue

If the

"RenderResolution 512 512"

line of a .cfg file is changed to our full resolution of 2048, PSO will converge on a very clearly improper solution - often very obviously translated from an already near-optimal solution. However, if the 512 512 remains, the convergence is much more appropriate.

Comments (5)

  1. Andrew W L Dickinson reporter

    Also regarding the optimization, is the location and/or axes of the bone within the partial volume considered?

  2. Bardiya Akhbari

    There was a hard-coded limit in the code which wasn’t allowing 2048 rendering. Please check and see if it’s fixed.

  3. Bardiya Akhbari

    Also, if you want to use a higher resolution rendering, the monitor size has to be able to render 2048x2048 resolution, if not, the rendering will not work correctly.

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