Export data for all trials from the XMA file as one file

Issue #10 closed
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

Sometimes we want to animate the rigid body data or 3D points from all trials for one individual in the same Maya file. Right now we have to go into Excel to cut and paste all the trials together. Export of all trials from the XMA file as one file would be nice (for rigid bodies or for 3D points). It would be fine to leave NaNs for frames without data, but it would also sometimes be useful to delete NaNs and add a column with the frame numbers of the exported frames for each trial. This could be an option in the Export dialog: Keep frame spacing with NaNs OR Add header column (frame numbers). Users would have to select one or the other because we do not want them to lose the information about which frames were tracked.

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein
    • changed status to open

    not too difficult to implement (< 1h) but there needs some consideration on the format and the workflow:

    There are several options to consider which have to be added and we should make sure that dialogs do not become to big and confusing and that the workflow stays practical, We also have to consider if the export between all trials and active trials should be the same format, which increases the options to consider or if we limit the possibilities

    E.g. 1 vs all trials:

    • All trials (will require columns for trialname or id(XMALab) or later ID(XMAPortal))
    • 1 Trial with trialname
    • 1 Trial without trialname (as before)

    Same for NaN

    • No Nan (will require framNb)
    • with NaN with frameNb
    • with NaN without frameNb (as before)

    In addition we might have to adjust file naming and more.

  2. Elizabeth Brainerd reporter

    After discussing this in the Short Course, I now think it is a bad idea. People can just combine their trials in another program. Ben -- go ahead and close the issue, if you agree.

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