Tracked points have shifted away from X-Ray-markers

Issue #123 closed
Franziska Grandt created an issue

Opening my .xma-file, I noticed that the tracked points in one camera have shifted away from the (initially tracked) X-Ray-markers. This problem remains after re-opening the file with another computer. I also have the same issue with some other files (from different days/ different calibrations). --- Sometimes, I use another computer (but with the same version of XMALab, 1.4.0) - is using different computers a problem for the .xma-files (my data are stored on a external hard disk)?

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Franziska, Did you resolve that problem? As i wrote in the email there was a problem with your images as both cameras show the same view. Can i close it? Ben

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