display 2D marker to marker distance when working with no calibration

Issue #126 on hold
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

I realize this may be messy -- but would it be possible to plot the 2D distance between points when working in no calibration mode? And be able to export the displayed distance? XMA file attached. I'll put the associated video in brownbox and send the link by email.

Comments (7)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Beth,

    I just wanted to work on this and realized that it would have to be a completely new plot and not just changing the displayed data. The 3D marker to marker distance is independent of the camera. For the 2D case, however, there would be additional controls for the camera and it would not only draw 1 distance but would have to draw them for the selected or all cameras. So it would be a little bit more work than i expected. Let me know if you still want to add the feature.

    PS: I am also not sure if there is much to gain from the feature as the marker to marker distance in 3D stays the same and can be used to improve tracking. For 2D this will not be the case and if someone just wants to use for export an easy way is to export the 2D positions and compute them based on these.


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