Non-integer scale for checkerboard calibration

Issue #146 closed
Sarah Hoffmann created an issue

Hi Ben,

I am still using a checkerboard calibration object for some larger volumes. The size of the squares on my object are 4.5cm2 but XMA only allows integer square size. Is it possible to change this? I have made new calibration objects for this specific purpose but I am going through some older data in which this would be a nice feature (I can scale later but this would just be a nice addition).

Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Sarah, You should actually be able to use square sizes which are non-integer. Can you check with the newest version of XMALab and let me know if this problem still persists. Thanks, Ben

  2. Sarah Hoffmann reporter

    Hi Dr. Knorlein,

    Thanks for adding this feature in the newest version of XMA lab. I just updated my version and saw the fix.

    Thanks again!

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