Max number of markers for a rigid body

Issue #16 closed
Robert Brocklehurst created an issue

I'm analysing some XROMM data which includes a series of 11 markers along the vertebral column. Initially I'd planned on assigning all of these markers to a single rigid body, but every time I tried XMALab crashed (Version 1.30, running on Windows 8.1). Separating them into two groups (6+5) seemed to fix this. Is there a maximum number of markers you can add to a rigid body?

Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Robert,

    There should be no maximum numbers of markers. Can you send me your xma-file and upload me the data (or in case it is on the xmaportal you can also give me access to the study). I will have a look at it then and check where the problem is. Here is my email address :


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