Crash when opening .xma file from v. 1.5.1

Issue #202 on hold
Hajime Minoguchi created an issue

Opening .xma files created by the 1.5.1 and 1.5.3 version of XMALab on the 1.5.4 version of XMALab causes the software to crash.

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Hajime,

    Can you send me one of the files which is crashing and also the videos for it so that i can look at it. You can, e.g. upload it to google drive and send it to my email address.



  2. Hannah Curtis

    I also have files that crash upon opening from 1.5.3, the weird part is it only crashes on some computers, and the exact same file can be opened if moved to a different computer. I have tried rebooting the problem machine, uninstalling/reinstalling XMALab. The only thing that works is going back to 1.5.3. I can send the files, but since it opens on some computers and not others, I’m not sure that will help much. It crashes during the like middle, maybe end of the “local undistortion” step, I wonder if it has to do with the black images mentioned in a different issue?

  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Hannah,

    Can you compare the Settings between a machine which is working and one which is not? The settings are on your local machine and they stay when you uninstall. Also are you MAC or Windows? There might be some other settings as well which are not in the Settings dialog. Depending on which system you are on I could let you know which file to delete to reset the Settings.



  4. Hannah Curtis

    Sorry, just saw this, machines I mentioned are all PC based and have the same settings in the settings dialog box within XMAlab.

  5. Benjamin Knorlein

    mmh. Can you still send me one of the files you have problems with and the data. Also are all the video files on the machines as well when you try opening it?


  6. Benjamin Knorlein

    Also can you send me the file : %AppData%\XROMM\XMALab.ini from a machine which is working and from one machine which is crashing?


  7. Benjamin Knorlein

    put on hold until I receive more debug information from the users. Probably fixed in the newest release

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