Marker IDs in detailed view | relative paths for xma projects

Issue #205 closed
Phil Lai created an issue

Hi Ben,

2 requests:

  • option to show marker IDs in detailed view to avoid double-digitizing occluding points
  • relative paths for projects to make it easier to switch between digitizing computers with different directory structures without having to manually change individual video paths?



Comments (2)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Phil,

    I am closing this issue as both features already exist.

    1. For showing marker ids in the detail view there is a setting in the tracking tabs (currently the last one)
    2. XMAlab already searches for the videos in the same folder (and subfolders) of the xma-file. So if you have all the videos in a folder next to the xma-file it should automatically find them. However, there is an option in the settings which can disable the searching in the general tab, so make sure it is not checked. The setting is called “Disable searching and relinking for images …. “

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