Import marker description (names only)

Issue #206 resolved
Stephen Gatesy created an issue

Hi Ben,

We do lots of tracking with so many points (90+) that we don’t know their identity until after their coordinates are exported and animated. We then need to go back into XMALab and name them accordingly, one by one, because we need the descriptions to be correct for downstream Maya scripts. These are different for each trial, because the tracking sequence varies.

Can a new Import option be added that lets us rename all the tracked points using a .csv? That would save lots of time and minimize errors.

I’ve attached a sample .csv.


Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Steve,

    Do you only need to set the names or do you also want to set the 3D reference coordinates from the CT data associated with marker? If you also want to set the 3D reference coordinates (or if it is possible for you) the option already exists. When you import a csv you will be asked if you just want to update the existing markers or if you want to add them to the list. Would this work for you or do you really only want to update the names.


  2. Stephen Gatesy reporter

    Hi Ben,

    Only the names. We don't have CT coordinates. It would be just to add descriptions/names for previously tracked markers.



  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Steve, I added the feature but fyi, there was a problem with your file. It had a special character on the first line before the '1'. Maybe mac related. I copied the text to a new file and it worked. If you encounter that problem in the future just ad add a blank line on top of the file

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