new method for filtering rotations

Issue #214 resolved
Armita Manafzadeh created an issue

Hi Ben, after learning more about rotations and also about Butterworth filters, I’m concerned about whether it actually makes sense to be using a Butterworth filter on rotation vectors and treating them independently. Would it be very challenging to keep the Butterworth for translations, but to implement some kind of quaternion-based filtering (perhaps something like this for the rotations? Happy to talk more. --a

Comments (4)

  1. Armita Manafzadeh reporter

    Hi Ben,

    I was chatting with @Elizabeth Brainerd about filtering the other day, and I’m still a bit worried about how the current filtering implementation might be affecting our final animations.

    Would it be difficult for you to re-implement an X-ray-project-like option to just filter individual points instead of entire rigid bodies? I have found that my filtering (as currently implemented) is often making my animations worse instead of better, but I think it would still be valuable to be able to clean up noisy points.

    Again, happy to talk further if it’d be helpful.


  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    fixes #214 : Added an option in the settings which filters 3d points instead of transformations. This however ignores all advanced features for computation of transformation for filtered transformations.

    → <<cset 1c6678e0f607>>

  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    For now I added a feature which enables filtering of 3d points. Dummy points will also be filtered. This however disables all advanced features, e.g. tracking with less than 3 3D points, optimization in image space etc. The normal unfiltered transformations will still be computed based on the enable features and need to be disabled separately of one wants to.

    I will go back to the issue when I have more time to clean up code and redesign the whole feature but this requires more development and a detailed investigation. But i wanted to at least provide you with an option you can test by using the old workflow.



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