Frames with detected checkerboard corners not included in Frames calibrated

Issue #222 closed
Aaron Olsen created an issue

I’m performing a checkerboard light camera calibration with three views (left, middle, and right) using XMALab 1.5.5 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6. I have 39 checkerboard frames. I detected the corners (in some cases using manual input) for the following number of frames in each view (see attached ‘Frames not’, which includes the XMA file plus 3 frames for each view from our marker tracking frame set):

Left: 23 of 39
Middle: 30 of 39
Right: 28 of 39

And there are 15 frames in which the corners have been detected in all views.

The bug is that the number of “Frames calibrated” does not match the number of frames in which the checkerboard corners were detected for all the views. For the left and right views, not all of the frames in which I detected the corners are included in the “Frames calibrated” (see screenshot 1); for the middle view these numbers do match. The number of frames included in the “Frames calibrated” for each view are:

Left: 2 of 39 (vs 23)
Middle: 30 of 39
Right: 10 of 39 (vs 28)

Also, for those frames that are not included in the calibration there are other issues visible in the information panel and in the projections of the crosshairs and corner numbers onto the image:

  1. In some cases there are no crosshairs at the corners but there are red corner #s projected in the wrong positions (see screenshot 2)
  2. In some cases the red crosshairs and green corner #s are both in the wrong place (see screenshot 3)
  3. In some cases the red crosshairs are at the correct positions but the green corner #s are not (see screenshot 4)
  4. There is no error after “Error distorted (current frame)” or “Error undistorted (current frame)” in the information drop-down panel for all affected frames (see screenshots 2-4)

There are also some frames where the red crosshairs and green corner numbers are projected properly (see screenshot 5).

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Aaron, I went throught the file and disabled the automatic checkerboard detection in the settings dialog. After selecting the corners for cam 1 in several images it recomputed the calibration and showed correctly the number of images. Probably there were not enough images properly selected. I sent you the file via google drive and you should be able to continue with this one. The corners are still not precisely set on the corners, but once they are close (as they are now) you can move them by holding alt key and clicking on the corner location.


  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Aaron,

    Can i close this issue. I could not reproduce the problem in other files. Somehow your xma-file must have gotten into a bad state. Are you still experiencing similar problems?


  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Aaron, I am closing this issue now as it seemed to only occur with the one dataset you had. Ben

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