Mac 10.15 Files and Folders Access Issue

Issue #229 resolved
Nathan Kirkpatrick created an issue

When trying to create a new dataset with XMALab 1.5.5 on a Mac running OS 10.15, I get the error message “Width and Height of the videos does is not equal to the calibration images. Cannot create Trial.”

The videos in question have the same dimensions as the calibration files (1920x900), and the same files successfully create a new dataset with XMALab 1.5.5 on a Mac running 10.12.1.

Since the problem seems restricted to the new mac OS, I believe the problem may lie in the new way Mac handles files and folders access. In System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Privacy/Files and Folders, XMALab is not listed as an application that has requested access to a specific folder, so I cannot add it manually.

Comments (13)


    Dear Nathan,

    To me as a mac outsider this sounds more like a mac problem. And I’m also not involved in xmalab development, so I’m kind of double blind.

    However, I know that mac has some rudimentary unix capacity. So you might try to use “chmod” to alter folder permissions, so that you can at least confirm that this is a permission problem.

    On linux, I would do:

    chmod -R 777 <folder/of/xmaproject>

    wherein chmod is the command to change folder permissions, -R makes it recursive (i.e. include all subfolders), and 777 is the bit code to grant full permissions to all users and groups.

    Maybe worth a try?



  2. Nathan Kirkpatrick reporter

    Hi Falk,

    I tried that and the problem still persists. I’ve tried adding Full Disk Access permissions to the application via System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Privacy/Full Disk Access but that does not work either.

    Has any one had success creating new trials in XMALab with Mac 10.15? I’d be very interested to hear from you.

  3. Benjamin Knorlein


    Can you run 2 tests for me to figure out where the problem lies:

    1. Can you convert the movie to image-sequences and check if that works
    2. Can you check if you can start a trial without calibration and load the video-sequences there.



  4. Nathan Kirkpatrick reporter

    Hi Benjamin,

    Here are the results of the tests:

    1. Totally works. All of the image frames load and tracking can be performed as usual. Obviously not ideal from a workflow standpoint to convert each video to image sequences, but seems to work.
    2. Trial videos are loaded without the error message I receive when creating a trial with calibration (“Width and Height of the videos does is not equal to the calibration images. Cannot create Trial.”), but I cannot scroll through the video with the slider on the bottom. Although the total frame counter in the bottom right says 605, the bottom left says 1/1 (see screenshot below).

  5. Benjamin Knorlein

    hi Nathan,

    Seems like the new OSX has problems with the codecs for the videos. Can you check which codec was used for the avi?

    PS: The code to read videos is part of OpenCV and it usually uses Codecs installed by your OS. I will check what i can do, but it might be tricky as it is probably an interaction between OpenCV and the codecs on OSX 10.15.

  6. Benjamin Knorlein


    I am currently updating the used libraries and hope that will resolve the issue. However, i did not build for mac yet as i will have to setup a new development environment. For now please work on images sequences. If your data is on the xmaportal you can directly export jpegs from it.



  7. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Nathan,

    Did you test with the new beta version of XMALab? I am curious if the problem still occurs.



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