xma files will not save/load in xmalab v2.0 and higher

Issue #241 resolved
Francois Gould created an issue

When using the calibration data and video data obtained from Rebecca German’s XROMM system (2 XCitex cameras, calibration images obtained as saved still .tif frames via ImageJ) I have multiple issues:

  1. doing multiple calibration of the same video trial becomes very difficult. After the first pair of images XMAlab struggles to find the calibration for other views of the cube.
  2. More importantly, no .xma files saved using these images in that version of xmalab will load after saving. This is independant of when in the workflow (after calibration or after tracking) the XMA files are saved. In some cases/trials, the xma files will not save (xmalab will stop responding). If an error message is given it says “bad allocation”.
  3. This issue is worked around by reverting to xmalab v1.5, which works fine with these data.
  4. This issue has been verified on 2 different machines (Lenovo Thinkstation and Lenovo thinkpad) and has also been reported by Christopher Mayerl (who is working with data from the same XROMM system), suggesting there is some incompatibility between the files being used by the German group and xmalab 2.0 (but not older versions)

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knörlein

    I made a change which might have fixed the issue. You can test in the next release. If it still occurs and if you still see it as an issue please reopen the ticket

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