Reprojection error threshold

Issue #4 closed
Stephen Gatesy created an issue

It would be powerful to have the ability to set a threshold pixel error for a point and then jump from frame to frame for all frames above that threshold, correcting (or not) in the detailed view as we go. I haven’t thought this through, but right now the visual power of the plot window doesn’t translate easily into picking out individual frames that might need editing.

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein
    • changed status to open

    Straight forward: < 1.5h

    One thing not 100% clear is where to define the threshold. Is it sufficient to define in the Settings dialog. It would be better if it is in the plot window directly, but i am not 100% clear where as we should be careful to not overload the windows. One idea could be to set the threshold by clicking in the plot or by using a special shortcut.

    The threshold should also be visualized in the plotwindow with a horizontal line

  2. Stephen Gatesy reporter

    I haven't thought through where it might be defined, and likely should vary on a per-marker basis. Is there room for a text field at the bottom of the plot window? Could that value be stored for each marker?

  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    True, I like the idea of having a per marker threshold. So, here an idea on how to implement: * The marker dialog will get an entry for changing the threshold and the value is save in the xma-file * The threshold can also be changed with a shortcut when working with the plotwindow for easier access * The threshold is also shown in the plot window by a horizontal line (and maybe also the value as text even if i am not sure if it is required).

    PS: Any preference for a key to advance forward and backward?

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